
The Indy Autonomous Challenge Returns to the Indianapolis Motor Speedw…

기사입력 2024.05.03 02:35 조회수 0 댓글수 0

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    세스코가 어린이를 위한 가상현실(VR) 체험공간을 키자니아에 열었다. 이곳에서 어린이들은 세스코맨이 돼서 해충·세균·바이러스·미세먼지를 퇴치하고 시민들을 구한다


    종합환경위생기업 세스코(대표이사 전찬혁)가 어린이를 위한 가상현실(VR·Virtual Reality) 체험공간을 열었다. 이곳에서 어린이들은 세스코맨이 돼서 해충·세균·바이러스·미세먼지를 퇴치하고 시민들을 구한다.

    세스코는 어린이 직업체험 테마파크인 키자니아 서울점에 마련한 ‘세스코 환경위생연구소’를 VR 체험공간으로 리뉴얼해 3일 오픈했다고 밝혔다.

    전 세계 키자니아 직업체험관 중 VR ‘인터렉티브 미디어 월(Interactive Media Wall)’을 도입한 것은 세스코가 최초다. 키자니아의 세스코 환경위생연구소에서는 화면 속 영상이 동작에 반응하며 상호작용하는 즐거운 경험을 할 수 있다.

    세스코는 보다 실감 나는 VR 체험을 위해 움직임을 인식해 가상세계에 전달하는 특수 콘트롤러(controller)를 도입했다. 이 조정장치는 실제 세스코 서비스 컨설턴트가 방역 업무에 사용하는 장비를 모티브로 디자인했다.

    세스코는 당사의 환경위생 과학을 보다 역동적으로 경험하도록 요즘 어린이들이 좋아할만한 몰입형 VR 시설로 리뉴얼했다며, 더욱 즐겁고 신나는 체험이 되길 바란다고 말했다.

    세스코는 키자니아 서울점과 부산점이 각각 첫 오픈한 2010년, 2016년부터 어린이들을 위한 세스코 환경위생연구소를 운영해왔다. 그동안 서울과 부산에서 약 71만명의 어린이가 세스코에서 직업 체험을 했다.

    어린이들은 세스코 환경위생연구소에서 우리를 아프고 불편하게 만드는 여러 위해 요소에 대해 배우며 해충전문가, 살균전문가, 공기전문가 등 세스코맨으로 거듭난다. 이들은 해충·세균·바이러스·미세먼지 등이 나타나 도움이 필요하다는 연락을 받고 출동해 퇴치하고, 시민들을 안전하게 구해낸다.

    임무를 수행한 어린이에게는 세스코 환경위생연구소 사원증과 함께 세스코 서비스 컨설턴트를 위한 수첩을 수여한다. 키자니아에서 장난감 등으로 교환할 수 있는 화폐인 ‘키조’도 받아 일한 보람과 자부심을 느낄 수 있다. 또한 해충전문가, 살균전문가, 공기전문가 등 세스코맨 캐릭터 스티커 3종을 획득하면 세스코 마이랩 주방세제도 받을 수 있다.

    세스코는 보다 나은 세상을 만들기 위해 행동하는 어린이들을 응원하며 키자니아 부산점의 세스코 환경위생연구소도 VR 시설로 리뉴얼할 계획이라고 밝혔다. 또한 앞으로도 더 안전하고 위생적인 일상을 만들고, 고객에게 친밀하게 다가가기 위해 노력하는 기업이 되겠다고 덧붙였다.

    세스코는 깨끗한 환경으로 건강한 내일을 약속하는 글로벌 생활환경위생기업이다. 차별화된 기술력과 서비스 인프라를 바탕으로 해충 방제, 세균·바이러스 살균, 식품안전, 환경가전, 시험분석 및 이물분석, 위생용품 등을 제공한다.

    세스코 소개

    세스코는 ‘인류를 위한 최상의 환경 가치 창출’이라는 비전을 바탕으로 1976년 창립 이래 47년간 해충방제에 대한 다양한 경험과 지식, 혁신적인 기술 개발과 현장 서비스 개선을 이루며 세계적인 종합환경위생기업으로 자리매김했다. 통합 해충방제 솔루션을 통한 전문성과 첨단 기술, 그리고 고객의 신뢰를 기반으로 세스코는 바이러스 케어 솔루션, 식품안전 솔루션과 공기질 안심관리 솔루션, 수질 안심관리 솔루션, 바디케어 솔루션 영역까지 사업 분야를 확대하며 믿고 안심할 수 있는 환경을 만들기 위해 최선을 다하고 있다. 또 유수 국가 행사 및 시설에 대한 첨단 방제 작업뿐만 아니라 사스-신종 플루-메르스에 이어 코로나19 감염병 재난 사태에서도 감염병 예방과 확산 차단 활동을 통해 세계적으로 인정받는 K-방역 시스템의 위상 확립에 기여했다. 세스코는 혁신적인 첨단위생 솔루션과 품질을 보장하는 전문 서비스를 제공하기 위해 환경위생 데이터 축적과 연구 개발을 지속하고 있다. 세스코의 R&D를 담당하는 과학연구소는 국내 방역업계 최초 정부 인증 기업부설연구소이자 국내 유일의 살충·살서제 효력시험기관이며, 국내 최초로 식품 중 이물 감별·동정이 가능한 ‘곤충류 감별, 동정·사람과 동물의 털 감별, 포유류의 분변 검사’ 분야에 대한 KOLAS(국제공인시험기관) 인증을 획득했다. 200여 명의 석박사 연구진이 해충 및 식품 위해요소, 차세대 기술 등을 연구해 2193가지 맞춤방제 솔루션 및 3021가지 식품안전관리 솔루션을 보유하고 있다.

    언론연락처: 세스코 1588-1119

    이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.The Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) will make a grand return to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS) “The Racing Capital of the World” on September 6th, 2024. The competition is set to be a landmark event, featuring a head-to-head race of the world’s fastest autonomous racecars piloted by AI driver software developed by 10 teams representing 18 top universities from North America, Europe, and Asia.

    History was made at IMS in October 2021 when IAC organized the world’s first head-to-head high-speed autonomous racing competition. Since then, IAC has organized five races at iconic tracks, including Las Vegas Motor Speedway during CES and the Monza F1 Circuit in Italy. IAC and its university teams have achieved a long list of world records for high-speed ground-based autonomy. World records include the autonomous land speed record (192.2 mph), the top speed on-track (180 mph), the fastest on-track head-to-head overtake (177 mph), and most miles of autonomous racing (7,500 miles).

    “Three years ago, we gathered the best and brightest minds from universities around the world to make history at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, proving that autonomous racing is possible and launching a global effort to accelerate the pursuit of high-speed autonomous mobility,” said Paul Mitchell, President of the Indy Autonomous Challenge. “After setting many records and proving that autonomous vehicles can race at extreme speeds, we are returning home to the Racing Capital of the World to attempt an even more ambitious head-to-head race.”

    The upcoming race at IMS, which is being held in partnership with the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC), will be a high-adrenaline head-to-head race of multiple IAC AV-24 autonomous racecars. Teams from leading research universities worldwide will push the limits of autonomous technology, competing at breathtaking speeds on the iconic oval track. This race promises not just to entertain but to offer a glimpse into the future of mobility, where AI drivers can operate autonomous vehicles safely on highways at high speeds, reducing the risk of accidents and speeding up supply chain logistics.

    “Indiana is a leader in the future of mobility, attracting new business investment, fostering R&D and inspiring innovation across EV, hydrogen and autonomy,” said Indiana Secretary of Commerce David Rosenberg. “The technologies, companies and talent being assembled by the Indy Autonomous Challenge are making significant strides in developing autonomous capabilities, putting Indiana at the forefront of tomorrow’s global economy while inspiring the next generation of leaders and risktakers.”

    With 10 teams representing 18 universities from five countries, the race will be the world’s largest autonomous racing competition.

    · AI Racing Tech (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indyautonomouschallenge.com%2Funiversity-of-hawaii&esheet=53969085&newsitemid=20240502559440&lan=en-US&anchor=AI+Racing+Tech&index=1&md5=03d399c29ff63ecbbd3abf64924d4bfc) - University of California, Berkeley (California), with University of Hawai'i (Hawai’i), University of California, San Diego (California), and Carnegie Mellon University
    · Autonomous Tiger Racing (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indyautonomouschallenge.com%2Fautonomous-tiger&esheet=53969085&newsitemid=20240502559440&lan=en-US&anchor=Autonomous+Tiger+Racing&index=2&md5=fbf8565a75d0d084096cf4d84f573bed) - Auburn University (Alabama)
    · Black & Gold Autonomous Racing (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indyautonomouschallenge.com%2Fpurdue-university-united-states-military-academy-west-point&esheet=53969085&newsitemid=20240502559440&lan=en-US&anchor=Black+%26amp%3B+Gold+Autonomous+Racing&index=3&md5=3a98b2698a2639a886d0f4fddb0439ab) - Purdue University (Indiana)
    · Cavalier Autonomous Racing (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indyautonomouschallenge.com%2Fcavalier-autonomous-racing&esheet=53969085&newsitemid=20240502559440&lan=en-US&anchor=Cavalier+Autonomous+Racing&index=4&md5=03e8c21e9774e36beef46820725c9f10) - University of Virginia (Virginia)
    · KAIST (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indyautonomouschallenge.com%2Fteam-kaist&esheet=53969085&newsitemid=20240502559440&lan=en-US&anchor=KAIST&index=5&md5=91c65f0904b1e425a8c76777ee1926a2) - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea)
    · Luddy Autonomous Racing - Indiana University (Indiana)
    · MIT-PITT-RW (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indyautonomouschallenge.com%2Fmit-pitt-rw&esheet=53969085&newsitemid=20240502559440&lan=en-US&anchor=MIT-PITT-RW&index=6&md5=fb1290304d5d121fd52be9eeb8ed49d8) - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Massachusetts), University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), Rochester Institute of Technology (New York), and University of Waterloo (Canada)
    · PoliMOVE-MSU (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indyautonomouschallenge.com%2Fpolitecnico-di-milano&esheet=53969085&newsitemid=20240502559440&lan=en-US&anchor=PoliMOVE-MSU&index=7&md5=a7fb3b14d49117bd65355f679141b660) - Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Michigan State University (Michigan), University of Alabama (Alabama)
    · TUM Autonomous Motorsport (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indyautonomouschallenge.com%2Ftechnical-university-of-munich&esheet=53969085&newsitemid=20240502559440&lan=en-US&anchor=TUM+Autonomous+Motorsport&index=8&md5=cef7f3d75bab10a5477cd58ec58301d8) - Technische Universität München (Germany)
    · UNIMORE Racing (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indyautonomouschallenge.com%2Feuroracing&esheet=53969085&newsitemid=20240502559440&lan=en-US&anchor=UNIMORE+Racing&index=9&md5=51eebc85d2f484f103f075ee57b9b5f2) - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)

    “The Indianapolis Motor Speedway was originally built as a test bed for early automobiles,” said J. Douglas Boles, President of IMS. “Having teams from the world’s most elite research universities using the track to prove out the future of autonomous vehicles connects the track’s historic roots to the future of AI and robotics.”

    The race will attract thousands of attendees from government, industry, and academia including 2,000 high school students studying Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). The race event will be live-streamed worldwide for those who cannot attend in person.

    “For many Hoosiers, your first trip to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway is a rite of passage,” said Indiana Secretary of Education Katie Jenner. “The Indy Autonomous Challenge provides a unique opportunity for students to visit the track and experience first-hand the incredible STEM technologies being developed right here in Indiana. We are excited to help recruit high school students to attend the event and partner in the planning of a STEM Zone that will connect them directly to future college and career opportunities.”

    In addition to the “main event” head-to-head race, the day will include several interactive events and activations that will offer attendees a chance to learn about and engage with technologies of the future including autonomous vehicles, drones, robots, augmented and virtual reality, generative AI, sensor fusion, internet of things, etc. Activations will include:

    · Innovation Paddock: Interactive hard-tech exhibits by industry-leading companies, start-ups, universities, and innovation-based non-profits will be located in the Trackside Garages adjacent to the track. Here, attendees can interact with the latest technology advancements in mobility, AI, automation, robotics, and more.
    · Future Mobility Summit: An invitation-only summit centered around breakthrough advancements such as AI-driven autonomy, next-generation drones, smart infrastructure, and sustainable energy solutions, with a special focus on Indiana’s innovative contributions, the summit promises an unparalleled convergence of thought leaders from industry, government, and academia. This curated event, designed to spark meaningful discussions and foster policy development to accelerate the advent of future mobility, will feature dynamic keynotes and panel sessions steered by renowned figures from leading industry circles.
    · STEM Zone: Created in partnership with the Indiana Department of Education and dedicated to inspiring the next generation of innovators, the STEM Zone will engage students with interactive exhibits and educational sessions focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics underscoring the IAC's commitment to fostering curiosity and passion for STEM among youth, highlighting the critical role of education in the future of technology. Students will also have access to Innovation Paddock exhibitions, sponsored lunch concessions, and seating in the Tower Terrace Grandstands to watch the IAC race.

    Companies, governments, universities, and non-profits interested in participating in the Indy Autonomous Challenge at IMS can contact info@indyautonomouschallenge.com. High School administrators or teachers interested in bringing students to the event can contact EEL@doe.in.gov. General attendees who would like to attend the race event can purchase tickets on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway website starting May 2nd, 2024.

    About the IAC

    The Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) is a non-profit corporation based in Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) which organizes racing competitions among university-affiliated teams representing 18 universities from around the world. Teams program AI drivers to pilot fully autonomous IAC racecars and compete in a series of history-making events at iconic tracks. Based in Indiana, the IAC is working to establish a hub for performance automation in the state and is harnessing the power of innovative competitions to attract the best and the brightest minds from around the globe to further state-of-the-art technology in safety and performance of automated vehicles. The IAC started as a $1 million prize competition with 31 university teams signing up to compete more than three years ago, representing top engineering and technology programs from 15 U.S. states and 11 countries. Follow the IAC @IndyAChallenge on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, & YouTube.

    View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240502559440/en/

    언론연락처: Indy Autonomous Challenge Marc Ferlet +1 317 662 5070

    이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.



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